Why Are Whole Foods Beneficial to Health?
When most people think of a whole-food diet, they think of fruits, grains, and vegetables. A skinless chicken breast, for example, is far healthier than a bag of processed chicken nuggets . However, many of the essential elements are lost during the processing of processed meals. During the refining process, whole grains, for example, lose their bran and coatings. During the enrichment process, some of their nutrients may be artificially reintroduced back in. As a result, the finished product is likely to be less nutritious than the original. A whole-foods diet emphasizes nutritious plant-based foods such as fruits and vegetables. These foods reduce your chances of acquiring the cardiovascular disease and dying from any cause. A whole-food diet, however, is not without its drawbacks. One of them is that it requires individuals to reduce their consumption of animal products, which may have some health benefits but may also lead to an unhealthy connection with food. While a whole-fo...